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Reasons for high temperature of MVR roots steam compressor in wastewater treatment equipment

Apr. 11, 2022

Reasons for high temperature of MVR roots steam compressor in wastewater treatment equipment

 Reasons for high temperature of MVR roots steam compressor in wastewater treatment equipment

Why is the temperature of MVR roots steam compressor in wastewater treatment equipment high? What are the difficulties in the operation of MVR evaporator? These have been bothering us all the time. Now I'll discuss with you.


First reason:

The MVR evaporator system has too much heat energy and too much evaporation pressure, and the inlet and outlet temperatures of roots steam compressor will increase with the increase of evaporation temperature.


Second reason:

The roots steam compressor has no surge problem, and the return pipe between the inlet and outlet is generally not set. However, due to the air pressure leakage and return between the inlet and the inlet, there is gas compression leakage and return in the high and low pressure sections of the roots steam compressor. After the leaked high enthalpy steam is mixed with the air flow at the inlet of the compressor, the temperature of the whole inlet steam will rise.


During the operation of roots steam compressor, under the same feed pressure, the greater the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of evaporator compressor, the more serious the internal leakage and the higher the outlet steam temperature.


The above is the reason for the high temperature of MVR roots steam compressor in wastewater treatment equipment. I hope it can be helpful to you.

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