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Is roots blower popular in the market?

Jun. 11, 2018

·  Roots blower manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry,affected by national policies,future growth is good;At the same time, the domestic fan industry concentration is low,companies in domestic related industries have a wide market space in the future,there is plenty of room for product upgrades to replace imports.

·  At the same time,blower manufacturing is a typical technology-intensive and capital-intensive industry;Over the next several years,There are many investment opportunities in the industry.It's worth paying attention to the industry and looking for other investment opportunities. The traditional market of fan products, such as steel, cement and chemical industries, will develop with the development of China's national economy,the proportion of urbanization increased gradually and continued to increase;High and middle market in the roots blower industry ,there are about 30 companies with a certain scale in China.At the same time, the key segments of each company have their own emphasis,industry competition is relatively mild.


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